Thursday, 4 August 2016


Preach on preacher preach
Tell me how I shouldn't wear my hair down and wear dresses above my knees.
Tell me dat I can't have everlasting life, dat christ didn't die for all of my sins but then what happened to john 3;16?

Oh Sing to the world your doctrines
forcing me to climb to a place that even you haven't reached.

Tell me that I blaspheme by my tongues
Scream in my ears that I breathe sin in and out of my lungs...
Remind me that I was born with this disease without giving to me a cure
Oh preach on preacher preach
You never fail to condemn my soul for sin
but you forget the spirit gives life and law kills. So Tell me

Tell me how bad I am and how good you are, show me your map to heaven and how heaven from me remains far.
Condemn me to hell oh you self righteous
But You forget yes you forget the bible says the strength of sin is the law so why preach the law when you should preach grace
Preach on preacher preach!
Comprehend the word before going into the world
I'm made perfect by the perfection of Christ, it
s not by my power nor by my might but by his spirit and grace
So preach on preacher preach!
But if you won't then please let me..
